Who’s in the basement????

  • A turquiose colour hair clown drawing

    Jun (They/them)

    It’s me. This is my* basement. Welcome! I have a billion ideas and not nearly enough time and skill but we’ll make things somehow with the queer can-do attitude and help from friends!

    *Disclaimer: they don’t actually own a basement and these people do not work there.

  • Jordan Janes-Lobjoit (He/him)

    On-site* music person.

    *Disclaimer: He is not trapped in the basement. (That we know of)

  • A painted picture of a bearded person with sunglasses and pink hat with white caption ZAC next to it

    Zac (He/him)

    Computer guy.

    Bug fixer, bug maker.

    *Disclaimer: He is also not trapped in the basement.

  • iantra (He/him)

    Computer guy 2 electric boogaloo

    *Disclaimer: He might have his own basement we’re not sure.

  • Nolan

    He goes here